
Idea vs. Reality

Its so funny how people think they know you so well, when truly its just ideas they've built up around the thought of you. Sometimes the assumptions/ideas are correct, but other times they aren't. People only get these thoughts because of your actions.

I talked to an old friend today and at first I was excited, because the history I had with this person was this: we met, we clicked, he didn't want to respect my relationship at the time, I cut him off. The situation now: we still click really well, both single, but I don't know if we remember each other, or these ideas we built up of each other thinking "what couldve been."

Nap time, I'll finish later.


Basically, The conversation we had was really good up until he got upset and made a statement that I've been hearing a lot, whether it been serious or joking, I hate the statement passionately. He said something to the effect of "here you go trying to play victim again." This conversation rubbed me the wrong way for several reasons, mainly because it came out of no where, also it had nothing to do with what just transpired and when I asked how I was playing victim, he kept getting dead ass silent.

Let's pretend for 5 minutes that I do "constantly play victim," If that were true I wouldn't be discussing my situation anyway, unless it was in a pitiful manner. I don't even ask for a pat on the back at work, let alone consellation from someone I haven't talke to in almost 2 years.

This doesn't boil down to me wanting someone to tell me how it is that I play victim, but that would be helpful. I really just want people that make these statements to back them up, so I can shut them down.



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