
Crying in the Shower

Well, I intended on taking a shower to take my mind off of things and it only made think about everything all at once.

Here's a short history before I get started. The ex of 4yrs and some change LOVES the rain, as do I. We always spent time together, hence always being together in the rain. Talking, cuddling, riding, etc, anything we could do in the rain. Yesterday, thought about him all day, today, it rained! Between not having cable and not having him, I became frustrated and decided to take a shower. A hot, steamy, sauna-like shower. In the midst of my shower, I started crying. =/

If you have not cried in the shower, I do not recommend it, unless you want to be super-relieved afterwards. Choking on tears in all that steam was tensing me up, but when it was all over, I felt so much better. Oddly enough, I feel like it was symbolic of the relationship, LOL. I can't really explain it, but once I was out (of the shower and the relationship) I felt a million times better. A new weight is being lifted off my shoulders.

Go figure.

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