
(Not So Merry) Christmas

I am happy to be alive; employed; healthy; loved.
I am unhappy to be away from everything I ever knew; some loved ones; my comfort zone.

Holidays have never been the greatest part of the year for me. I've never had a lot, but I've usually had just enough. This year it feels like I have nothing. I'm broke, miss my mother, boyfriend is out and I'm just in the same four walls that I'm always in.

I hope everyone really took today out to realized how blessed they were and how much they have compared to other people. The holidays really are about who you're with, so don't spend them alone if you don't have to.

Some may not like their family very much, but at the end of the day that's all you have. If you don't have them, you really don't have anything.

This year, I don't have anything.

Know you're loved
Happy Holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this day wasnt so merry for me either. nothing went as planned. i was frustrated, upset &irritable. but i had to take a step bck &realize tht i AM blessed &loved. times like these makes us appreciate wht's really important.

chin up.