
Tired of Lonely

Have you ever been around people and still felt alone? I'm starting to feel alone alot, like I'm losing touch with everything.

I don't get to talk to my close friends as often as I would like to anymore, I barely have any friends in this city and it just feels like I'm always annoying my boyfriend. I just feel like I should be in a mental institution, atleast I'd have free room & board, meals, TV time, sleeping pills, etc.

Shit, now that I break it down, where do I sign up?!?

I try to put all my energies into the right places, but it seems like I get nothing but the wrong things back.

If you were dating someone and truly wanted to be with that one, would all the games and bullshit of outside people seem important anymore?

If a good friend of yours had been calling you day after day after day, would you think maybe something was up or think nothing of it?

Just a couple of questions...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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