
What Power Do You Possess?

I find it so funny that blame always gets placed on me for things and a lot of the time instead of going back and forth deciphering right and wrong, I take the hit and try to take action to move forward. Apparently that isn't enough, because I assume that I can set some sort of example and that actions would be reciprocated. I fail to forget that I can't change people. That isn't a power I possess.

We all have things that we do, certain rights and wrongs we use to change ourselves and others, but I forget that I don't lead others by example, I usually lead others in more manipulative ways. The trickiness behind my manipulation is that most of the time I don't do it on purpose, but I'm sometimes satisfied with the outcome.

What power do you possess? We all have the power of change but do you use it for good or evil?
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