
To Tell or Not

So I've decided that I'm going to start giving scenarios, try to look at both sides of it and look at possible solutions.

If anybody reads this, input is welcomed and highly recommended.

So let's say you have a best friend and let's call him Paul. Paul is your best friend, so naturally you have mutual friends. Some of your mutual friends talk shit about Paul to you.

You defend Paul, since he is your best friend, right?

Do you tell Paul? Why or why not?

My point of view is this: I defend Paul because if he was that bad of a person, then those people wouldn't still associate with him, not even a little bit. He should have the opportunity to confront them. If they said what they said, they should be able to own up to it and let Paul defend himself.

I tell Paul, not to be messy, but because he should be more aware of the company he keeps. I know Paul has a history of bad or weird friendships.

On the flipside, I may not defend Paul since I don't know his relationships with the other friends that well, I just know that they know each other and may talk from time to time. There may have been past events that occured and that's why they act the way they act.

I don't tell Paul because the conversation(s) had with the mutual friends are our business and should not get back to him to protect privacy. =\


I would love some feedback.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure if I can help in a situation like this …I need more information about the relationship shared with Paul…here is a example of me handling the situation..My friend Aaron is dating a younger girl…ALL HIS ASSOCIATES HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT IT BEHIND HIS BACK…so in turn I make sure I tell Aaron that “such & such” is shady I don’t go into deep details unless asked. Now my “best friends” are apart of me so those associates would be some bold ass Mut*^#er Fu*#kers to say something to me about my best friend…See the different between a friend and a best friend is everybody around you can feel, see, or know about the connection shared.

Jay from Philly...Sorry for the typos @ work ...rushing