
Go up!

Sometimes, life is best lived progressively. When there are problems, obstacles, hardships, etc. then it's best to find ways of dealing with it as quickly as possible and move on.

Go up! Don't stay down in a slump all say, go build yourself up. Everything is temporary, including the good and the bad, so why dwell on one more than the other? It's not worth it.

Living life progressively doesn't mean taking things for granted, but don't make a big deal over the little things, don't stress a situation if it doesn't mean that much in the longrun anyway.

If you keep putting an idea somewhere it doesn't belong, then eventually it'll find a way to fit in there. Let's set goals and expectations and meet them, whether they be short term, long term or permenant changes.

Don't waste time. Make time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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